About Us

We address regional workforce needs through improved communication and collaboration between education and business entities.

Who are we?

The Westmoreland County Forum for Workforce Development, a group of business-education representatives, has been meeting regularly with the Westmoreland Intermediate Unit (WIU) Superintendents Association which is comprised of the 17 School Districts in Westmoreland County.

The long-term plan is to also include K-12 curriculum supervisors, guidance counselors, career teacher-coaches, etc.; industry, business and community leaders; post-secondary education leaders; and county and state government officials and agency heads.

Connecting Education & Employers

We discuss the regional workforce needs of business and industry and cultivate improved communication and collaboration between education and business entities to address the needs of the new economy.

Forum Steering Committee

Forum Steering Committee meetings are held monthly at the WCCC Advanced Technology Center. Fall and Spring Forums are scheduled annually for the broad-based representation of the greater education-business community.

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Meet the Team

Anthony Princeton
Austin Anderson
Business Development Officer